A complete three dimensional reconstruction will be carried out for Consoli Palace trough laser and photo scanning survey. The combination of these optical sensors will be processed and fused at 3D point cloud level with centimetre detail.
The 3D Model was generated by E-Geos in the context of the HERACLES project. The model can be accesed under:
The 3D Model was generated by E-Geos in the context of the HERACLES project. It can be accessed under: https://lab.egeos-services.it/apps/models/knossos_full.html
The regional scale modelling tools are built around nested versions of the WRF (Weather Research and Forecast) mesoscale meteorological model and of the CHIMERE (or FARM) reactive transport and dispersion models, which take atmospheric emissions and their interactions into account. The solutions can then be nested down to metric resolution with the PMSS model (Parallel Micro SWIFT SPRAY), readily applicable to the detailed description of air pollution at the local scale, and its effects on buildings façades, monuments and statues. The combination of regional and local scal...
EURO-CORDEX is the European branch of the international CORDEX initiative, which is a program sponsored by the World Climate Research Program (WRCP) to organize an internationally coordinated framework to produce improved regional climate change projections for all land regions world-wide [https://www.euro-cordex.net/]. Scenario RCP8.5 assumes an increase in radiative forcing of 8.5 W/m2 by the end of the century relative to pre-industrial conditions [https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-013-0499-2].
The structural behaviour of a building can be studied by the Finite Element Method (FEM), as widely used by the scientific community. More specifically, FEM models allow to predict the response of a structure under prescribed static (e.g. dead load and self-weight) or dynamic (e.g. earthquake, wind) loading conditions, or under imposed displacements at the boundaries (e.g. subsoil movements and settling of foundations). In the modelling process, the calibration of the numerical model plays a fundamental role in order to obtain reliable results. The picture below shows some numeri...
Weather station in Koules.
Repeat-pass satellite synthetic aperture radar interferometry (IFSAR) is a very effective technique for terrain and structure displacement mapping applied to structural degradation, subsidence, landslides, earthquakes and volcanic phenomena monitoring. IFSAR technique measures terrain displacements with millimetre accuracy, processing data acquired from satellites orbiting over 500 kilometres above the Earth, equipped with SAR sensors.
The picture below shows exemplary recognizable topographic signatures, an urban area on top left, and a water body in the middle.
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Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems are aimed at the automation of damage detection, localization and prognosis of structures using information provided by sensors installed in the field. These systems can thus provide key information for preventive conservation and condition-based maintenance of civil structures.
Structural monitoring by inverse velocity techniques deals with the monitoring and forecasting of structural failures in civil infrastructures (in our case, cultural heritage structures) based on a landslide prediction algorithm. The algorithm is the result of the observation of small landslides recreated in prototype form in a laboratory setting which led to the recognition that, when plotting the inverse velocity versus time, the values of inverse velocity approached zero, as the velocity of surface displacement increased towards final slope failure.
The picture below...