The measurement survey was performed in 12th July 2017 by using the IDS manufactured RIS K2_FW GPR system (https://idsgeoradar.com/products) equipped with the dual frequency (200 MHz and 600 MHz) antenna. The data were gathered along 10 profiles about 7.5 m long, with a spacing between the profiles equal to 0.5 m. The raw data, collected during both the GPR campaigns, were processed by means of the same processing chain. This latter was designed in the frame of Heracles project and it is based on a microwave tomographic approach, which faces the imaging as the reconstruction of t...
The crack in the hall is observed through a combined sensor system, combining an LVDT and a thermometer.
During this campaign, samples from the south west wall of room 13 in the Koules Fortress were taken.
The crack in the hall is observed through a combined sensor system, combining an LVDT and a thermometer.