The set of activities related to the “Threat assessment” (see figure) includes assessment of CH material and/or structural health as well as identification of other possible CC induced hazards (for. ex. landslides, extreme precipitations, etc.). The threat assessment can be performed on-demand or as follow-up procedure if the threat is identified during the monitoring. The results of the comprehensive analysis are delivered to a site manager for the decision on whether to proceed with risk assessment and mitigation activities. Generally, if the threat (hazard) is abov...
The potential sources of threat may be spotted during daily monitoring activities (visually or using instruments). The sources are either directly connected to the CC hazards or could be related to other impacts, which in combination with CC hazards may affect CH asset. After the potential source of threat is observed, a site manager decides whether the identified situation is a real threat to CH and the threat assessment procedure should follow. On the other hand the threat identification may start with initiative (on-demand) from good practice or established procedures. The sit...
The first activity is to collect actual data on CH asset’s values regarding both economic and social importance. The next step is calculation the exposure.
The figure shows the sub-process “CH health analysis”, which is related to the material and structural health of the CH asset. These two characteristics contribute to the judgment on whether the threat is significant or not. However, poor CH asset’s health influences vulnerability and contributes to the exploitation of the vulnerability by threat. During the CH health analysis in situ diagnostic protocols and systematic protocols related to the diagnostic and analytical strategies (developed in WP3) stored in knowledge base are to be deployed.
The figure shows the risk assessment workflow. It starts with experts receive a request for risk assessment, following with two parallel processes: vulnerability and exposure assessment. They assess the risk and create a report combining vulnerability and exposure results and CH data. Following their notification either the site or project manager starts with the analysis of the report, updates the CH data in the database and asks for mitigation process.
The risk asse...
Wie in der Einleitung schon erwähnt, beschäftigen wir uns in diesem Kapitel mit Risiko und Gefahren im Bereich von Katastrophen. Um mit dem rechten Selbstverständnis an die Sache herangehen zu können, werden wir zuerst die Begriffe Risiko und Gefahr näher definieren. Die Ingenieur- und Umweltwissenschaften verstehen unter dem Begriff Risiko das Produkt von Eintrittswahrscheinlichkeit bzw. Eintrittshäufigkeit und Schadensausmaß.
The mitigation process starts with setting the preparation of the mitigation plan and request for the expert consultancy. Experts propose solutions based on risk analysis’s report and CH asset characteristics. Having consultancy report ether site or project manager leads preparation of the mitigation plan.
The vulnerability assessment workflow is estimating for the identified hazards separately using CH asset characteristics and predefined table following by an overall calculation of the vulnerability using a predefined function.
The matrix for estimating the vulnerability is shown below.