Therefore, Gubbio is a set of assets, monuments, but also culture, folklore, knowledge, tastes, experiences, skills and handcrafts, which has formed over 3 thousand years. An active historical center, lived and populated and a real asset for those who live the city "in" the city, and "for" the city. The old town of Gubbio is preserved according to the original medieval structure with a few changes over the centuries. Gubbio is positioned at the bottom of the Apennines hillside dominating the town from the Northeast side and representing a critical point for hydrogeological risks. The old town is surrounded by city walls, which were built in approximately 1.000 years and underwent to elevations, renovations and expansions. From the geological point of view, Gubbio is located in the so-called "Gubbio Basin", that is a 22 km long, 4 km wide depression, which is located within the North-Central Apennines fold-and-thrustbelt.